Randolph Engineering, Inc. Presents Donation to The Special Forces Charitable Trust
Randolph Engineering is proud to support The Special Forces Charitable Trust (SFCT) – a nonprofit that provides a network of meaningful and sustainable services, support and advocacy to US Army Special Forces soldiers and their families. On Thursday, March 3, Randolph Engineering presented SFCT with a donation of almost $3,000. Over the holiday season, Randolph offered consumers a chance to purchase a limited edition collection that previously was only made for military personnel. Five percent of The Vintage Collection sales went directly to SFCT.
“We are truly thrilled to partner with The Special Forces Charitable Trust,” said Peter Waszkiewicz, president & CEO, Randolph Engineering, Inc. “As a company, we hold a commitment to philanthropy. The SFCT is an amazing organization fitting with our rich military heritage and we are very proud to support their mission.”
“We greatly appreciate the support we have received from the Randolph team,” says David Guernsey, Jr., Executive Director of SFCT. “The donation provided will directly aid Special Forces families before, during, and after each soldier’s deployment.” For more information about SFCT, please visit www.specialforcescharitabletrust.org or like the Special Forces Charitable Trust on Facebook.

Photo: (Left to Right):
Peter Waszkiewicz, president & CEO, Randolph Engineering, Inc. and David Guernsey, Jr., Executive Director of The Special Forces Charitable Trust